Teresa C. Schottler Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Established in 2011 in memory of Teresa C. Schottler and reward outstanding student success at MCC. The scholarship seeks to support exemplary students with above average passion and academic performance in Hospitality Management.
Brittney Roberts was the 2015 recipient of the Teresa C. Schottler Memorial Endowed Scholarship and Brittney wrote, “I love my Hospitality Management program at MCC. I have the best professors. They have helped me learn what aspects of hospitality I really enjoy and excel in. I plan to pursue a career in law and hope to be involved in hospitality law. I would love to open a specialty coffee shop of my own and provide legal resources to individuals who also plan to open hospitality establishments. Paying for school has always been a struggle because with the time I have outside of school I help my semi-handicapped Mother and volunteer through my church, which leaves little time to work for pay.
I enjoy watching ice hockey and love musical theater and I hope to see a production on Broadway someday.”