Juliane Marino Memorial Endowed Scholarship Fund for Student Nurses
Established in 2010 to provide financial support to students in the Nursing Program at MCC and to recognize the outstanding care MCC nursing graduates provide in the community. The scholarship is in memory of Juliane Marino. Julia was a passionate lifelong learner with strong interests in science, technology, medicine, politics, languages, and the arts. Her sharp sense of humor and her joy in life and in the company of others touched innumerable lives. Many nurses trained at MCC gave her skilled and compassionate care toward the end of her too-brief life.
After receiving a scholarship provided by the Juliane Marino Memorial Scholarship for Student Nurses, one student nurse wrote, “Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to continue my education with the support of the Juliane Marino Scholarship. Nursing is a passion for me. I started a new career at age 40 during the illness of my dad. I chose MCC because of the amazing things I heard about their nursing program from several nurses I came into contact with during my father’s many trips to the hospital. I have enjoyed learning from the professors at MCC. The program has prepared me not just for the state exam I will take next summer, but it has given me all the tools I need to thrive in the health care field. The support of the staff is not like previous courses I took. They are truly “difference makers.” They are making a difference in lives of more than just the students, they are making a difference in the care given to thousands of individuals. I could not be prouder to be a part of the nursing program at MCC.”